Thursday 23 May 2024

How to Heal Traumatic Memories

Hello warrior family,

Today we will explore how to Heal traumatic memories using your emotions.

Human emotions are complex psychological states that involve three distinct components: a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioural or expressive response. Emotions play a crucial role in human survival, decision-making, and interpersonal relationships. Understanding emotions is fundamental to understanding human behaviour and motivation.

 Components of Emotions:

1. Subjective Experience: This is the personal experience of the emotion, which can vary significantly between individuals. For example, two people may experience anger differently based on their past experiences, personality, and the context of the situation.

2. Physiological Response: Emotions are accompanied by biological responses that prepare the body to act. This can include changes in heart rate, respiration, and hormone levels. For instance, fear typically triggers a "fight or flight" response, which prepares the body to either confront or flee from a perceived threat.

3. Behavioural Response: This involves the outward expression of emotion, which can include facial expressions, body language, and actions. Emotional expressions can be voluntary or involuntary and are often culturally influenced.

Emotions can be broadly categorized into positive and negative emotions, but this is a simplification. Some of the basic emotions identified by psychologists include:

- Happiness
- Fear

- Disgust
- Anger
- Surprise

These basic emotions serve as the foundation for more complex and nuanced emotional experiences.

Effective emotional regulation is key to mental health and well-being. Emotional regulation refers to the processes by which individuals influence which emotions they feel, when they feel them, and how they express and experience these emotions.

Emotions are closely linked to motivation, as they can drive individuals toward or away from certain behaviours. For example, fear can motivate a person to avoid dangers, while happiness can motivate an individual to pursue activities that provide pleasure or fulfilment.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and reason with emotions. It is a valuable skill that enhances communication, empathy, and relationships.

Our Eternal Essence lives in our Heart as the unwavering Self. The Untouched innocence, purity and divinity that is Unchanged.

When we experience Trauma as children, or something happens that makes us assume the Self isn't safe, we create energetic protections in form of Shields, Masks, to protect the Self. We call these personality traits.

Every personality has a different job when it comes to keep us safe & also comes with a different set of beliefs & ideas. It operates seperate from the Self.

When these created parts/soul fragments/personalities go unchecked it's almost like 50 different beings possess your vessel and influence our behaviour & actions.

When Someone is aggressive: Defensive Part activated

When Someone rejects you: Worthless Part is activated

When you want to create: Hustle Part is activated

Intimacy with People or loved ones: Protector Part is activated.

This is dangerous when we just allow the Parts to take over without being aware.
A lot of these parts are created from infantile consciousness.
Pure intent but no mastery of the Earth plane Most of these parts were created to shield & protect the Heart and so reconnecting back to the heart is the way you integrate those aspects and help them heal.

When personality runs on autopilot for too long it forms it's own intelligence. It is an artificially created consciousness by your younger Self that now often has the Power to possess us at any point it met with the same frequency that created it. Let's say the initial fragment occurred when you were left alone for too long as a child.

Out of misinformation a personality was formed to deal with the pain. Now anytime a familiar pain enters your field, the personality that was formed takes over & handles business. While we all have unique parts & yet we share certain groups that have a main function

The expression might be different but they have similar jobs & things get really interesting when we see how archetypal functions & storylines are running our subconscious. Until we become aware of hoe they operate, we energize them by leaving them undetected, by allowing them to possess our vessel.
This is where shamanic consciousness comes in where we reverse engineer the emotion caused and then we dice deeper into what caused it, the belief system we hold in place about it and how this relates to traumatic experiences in a past or present life.

Healing subconscious traumas is pivotal for spiritual growth. 

Techniques include:

- Regression Therapy: explore past lives or early life experiences that might have contributed to these traumas. Past life regression therapy is used to access memories and experiences from past lives that are believed to influence one's current life. It can help resolve issues and phobias, understand relationships, and even uncover hidden talents or abilities.

- Shadow integration /inner child work-Healing-Integration:
Engage with your shadow self through journaling, therapy, and introspection to Integrate the Subconscious Mind/Entities/Personality traits personas etc.

To integrate these aspects acknowledge their presence and seek to understand their purpose in your life. Meditation, channelling, and working with a spiritual guide can facilitate a dialogue between your conscious self and these entities. Rituals of acceptance and integration, often found in shamanic practices, can be profoundly transformative.

Shamanic Practices and Regression Healin

- Soul Retrieval: This is a process used by shamans to recover parts of the soul that might have been lost due to trauma.
- Past Life Regression: guide yourself through your past lives to heal unresolved issues.
- Chakra Visualization: Visualize each chakra opening and being filled with light, starting from the root and moving to the crown, to balance and activate them.
- Cord Cutting: Visualize cutting cords with any past traumas, negative energies, or entities that no longer serve your highest good.

-Removing Energetic Seals

Energetic seals, particularly those that might block metaphysical abilities, can often be residues of past traumas, societal conditioning, or even spiritual interventions from other lifetimes.

-Affirmations and Intentions: Use powerful affirmations that resonate with unblocking and reclaiming your powers. For instance, "I release any and all blocks that hinder my true spiritual abilities freely and completely."

- Regular Reflection: Take time to reflect on your progress and experiences. This can help you understand what practices are most effective for you and what might need adjustment.

Thank you for being here :) Please Share, like and follow if you resonate.

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Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Creator at Team Light Cyprus.

Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of self in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery Find out more at

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