Thursday 23 May 2024

Somatic Healing, Chakras & Multidimensionality.


Hello warrior family,

Today we will talk about somatic healing, chakras and multidimensionality.

Somatic healing is an approach to wellness that recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. It is based on the understanding that emotional, psychological, and spiritual factors can have a profound impact on physical health. The term "somatic" comes from the Greek word "soma," meaning the body in its living, experiential aspect.

Here are some key principles and practices associated with somatic healing:

1. The Body-Mind Connection:
Somatic healing operates on the principle that the mind and body are not separate entities but are deeply interconnected. Emotional and psychological stresses can manifest as physical symptoms, and conversely, physical ailments can affect one's emotional state.

2. Awareness and Mindfulness:
Central to somatic healing is the cultivation of awareness and mindfulness. By becoming more attuned to the sensations and messages of the body, individuals can gain insight into the underlying causes of discomfort or disease.

3. Movement and Bodywork:
Practices such as yoga, Tai Chi, and other forms of exercise are often incorporated into somatic healing. These practices help to release tension, improve circulation, and enhance the flow of energy throughout the body.

4. Manual Therapies:
Techniques like massage, reflexology, and Shiatsu involve touch and manipulation of the body's tissues. These therapies can help to alleviate pain, promote relaxation, and facilitate the body's natural healing processes.

5. Emotional Release:
Somatic healing acknowledges that the body can hold onto emotional traumas and stresses. Through various techniques, individuals are encouraged to release these stored emotions, which can lead to a sense of liberation and improved well-being.

6. Integration of Body and Mind:
Treatments focus not only on physical symptoms but also on the psychological and emotional aspects of the individual. The goal is to bring the person into a state of ease and balance, where they experience a sensation of lightness and freedom.

7. Energy Work:
Some somatic healing practices involve working with the body's energy systems. Techniques such as healing touch and the use of crystals aim to balance and harmonize the body's energy fields.

8. Holistic Philosophy:
Somatic healing is holistic, meaning it considers the whole person rather than just the symptoms. It recognizes that all aspects of an individual's life, including lifestyle, environment, and relationships, can influence health.

9. Self-Healing Potential:
A fundamental tenet of somatic healing is the belief in the body's inherent ability to heal itself. By supporting and facilitating this natural capacity, somatic healing empowers individuals to take an active role in their own wellness journey.

10. Psychoemotional Cooperation:
Successful somatic healing often requires active participation from the individual, including a willingness to explore and address psychoemotional factors that may be contributing to physical ailments.

The chakras play a pivotal role in the context of understanding how the internal spiritual faculties influence perceived reality. These energy centers serve as gateways for the flow of life force or prana throughout the energetic anatomy of the human body. Each chakra corresponds to specific aspects of our consciousness and has unique vibrational frequencies that can be harmonized and balanced through various practices.

When one engages in the cultivation of their chakras through meditation, visualization, breathwork, and other energetic practices, they are effectively tuning their internal vibrational frequencies. This tuning allows for a more coherent and resonant interaction with the fabric of reality, which is itself a dynamic interplay of energetic fields and vibrations.

By achieving balance within the chakra system, an individual can create a standing wave of intention and consciousness that resonates with the desired frequency of their reality. This resonance can manifest as synchronicities, opportunities, and experiences that align with the individual's inner state.

In essence, the chakras are integral to the process of co-creating reality from the inside out. By understanding and working with these energy centers, one can consciously navigate the subtle planes, direct their vibrational frequency, and participate in the open-ended co-creation of their life experiences. This is a profound realization of our inherent power to shape our reality, transcending limitations and conditioning, and aligning with the natural cycles and cosmic principles that govern existence.

The 14 chakra system provides a more nuanced view of the energetic and spiritual anatomy, offering pathways for deeper exploration into both higher spiritual realms and deeper subconscious terrains. This system is particularly of interest in advanced spiritual practices where practitioners are working to transcend beyond the physical and emotional planes to achieve higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

The concept of chakras extending above the crown chakra delves into more esoteric and advanced spiritual teachings beyond the traditional seven chakras that align along the spine. These higher chakras connect individuals with higher states of consciousness, spiritual dimensions, and universal energies. Each chakra corresponds to a bandwidth or dimension. They are often visualized as continuing upward from the crown chakra and are associated with transcending human consciousness and achieving spiritual enlightenment. Here is an exploration of these chakras, typically numbered from the eighth to the fourteenth:

1. Eighth Chakra (Soul Star Chakra): Located about six inches above the crown chakra, this chakra is often seen as the seat of the soul. It is associated with the transcendence of one's individual identity and the realization of the interconnectedness of all life. It acts as a bridge between the individual's spiritual journey and the cosmic consciousness.

2. Ninth Chakra: Sometimes referred to as the Spirit Chakra, it is located further above the Soul Star and is associated with the integration of the soul into universal consciousness. It is believed to facilitate spiritual gifts and enable access to higher spiritual realms and communications.

3. Tenth Chakra: Often connected with the divine, this chakra is said to allow an individual to access and harness divine creativity, manifesting miracles and exceptional abilities that transcend the laws of nature.

4. Eleventh Chakra: This chakra is associated with the galactic community, enabling the individual to access and integrate advanced spiritual technologies and wisdom that are not available on Earth. It connects one with interstellar and cosmic energies.

5. Twelfth Chakra: Known as the Universal Gateway, this chakra connects to the entirety of the universe, allowing an individual to communicate with and understand the fundamental aspects of the universe. It's a portal through which one can explore and understand the cosmos in its entirety.

6. Thirteenth Chakra: This chakra extends an individual's connection beyond the known universe into the realms of the multiverse and alternate realities, facilitating an understanding of the complex fabric of the various dimensions and existences.

7. Fourteenth Chakra: Positioned as the final chakra in this system, it represents the Divine Source— the ultimate connection to all that is. This chakra is the final dissolution of individual consciousness into the infinite, a state of complete unity with all existence.

These higher chakras are not commonly discussed and are usually explored in deep meditative practices or advanced spiritual teachings. They are believed to facilitate a profound expansion of consciousness and are integral to achieving a state of enlightenment where one transcends the physical and metaphysical limitations of the known world.

Lower Chakras (Below the Root): These chakras are less commonly discussed and are said to connect with lower vibrational energies and deeper aspects of the subconscious. They are often associated with elemental and earthly connections.

Having strong legs and maintaining them through running or weightlifting can symbolize and contribute to a strong grounding. In the metaphysical sense, the legs, pelvis, and lower body are closely associated with the root chakra, which is the energy center that connects us to the earth and our sense of stability and survival.

When you focus on strengthening your lower body, you are not just building physical strength and endurance; you are also energetically reinforcing your foundation. This can lead to a feeling of being more rooted and present in your physical existence. It's akin to the way trees rely on their roots for nourishment and stability; similarly, a well-developed lower body can provide a sense of security and connection to the earth.

In the context of the root chakra, which is the first chakra located at the base of the spine, it governs our basic needs and sense of safety. By engaging in activities that strengthen and activate this area, you can counteract feelings of disconnection, anxiety, or instability that might arise from an imbalanced energy flow in this chakra.

Moreover, the act of running or weightlifting requires focus, discipline, and a connection to the present moment, all of which can enhance your grounding. As you engage in these activities, you might find that you become more attuned to your body, more aware of your connection to the earth with each step or lift, and more centered in your physical experience.

Incorporating intention and mindfulness into your exercise routine can amplify these effects. For example, as you run, you might visualize your feet connecting with the earth, drawing up stabilizing energy with each step. During weightlifting, you could imagine your legs and pelvis as the strong base that supports and grounds you. In essence, a strong lower body developed through running or weightlifting can be both a symbol and a practical tool for enhancing your grounding, providing a solid foundation for both your physical and energetic presence.

Chakras are often conceptualized as having both a front and a back aspect, each serving different functions in how we interact with our internal and external environments. The front of the chakras relates to our feelings and how we project ourselves outwardly to the world, while the back of the chakras deals with our will and how we assert ourselves in the world. For instance, the front of the heart chakra is associated with our ability to give love, and the back of the heart chakra relates to our ability to receive love.

Cycling Energy Through Chakras and the Importance of Direction:

The direction in which energy flows through the chakras is crucial and often intentional in various healing and meditative practices. Energy typically flows upward through the chakras in a path towards spiritual awakening and enlightenment, known as the sushumna nadi in yogic traditions. However, the flow of energy can also be directed specifically into or out of the front or back of a chakra depending on the healing or spiritual practice being undertaken.

For example, in a healing context, a practitioner might draw negative energy out from the front of a chakra and send healing energy into the back of the chakra to support the person’s ability to receive healing and strength. Conversely, in practices aimed at personal expression or manifesting desires, energy might be directed outward from the front of the chakras.

Purpose and Intention of Energy Direction:
The purpose and intention behind directing energy in specific ways through the chakras are to achieve balance and optimal functioning of our energetic system.

The concept of chakras having a front and back aspect is integral to understanding how we interact with the world energetically. Each chakra not only governs specific physical and emotional aspects of our being but also has a dual role in how we project and receive energies.

Heart Chakra (Anahata):
As previously mentioned, the front of the heart chakra is primarily associated with our capacity to emit love, compassion, and kindness towards others. It's through this front aspect that we express our love and connect with people and the world around us. Conversely, the back of the heart chakra is about our ability to let in love and healing from others and the universe. It reflects our openness to receiving support, love, and compassion, which are essential for our emotional balance and well-being.

The 7 Chakras:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):
- Front: Represents our face to the world concerning security and stability. It governs our survival instincts and our ability to stand up for ourselves.
- Back: Deals with our subconscious security needs, such as the support we feel we have from family or the community. It influences how secure we feel internally.

2.Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):
- Front: Governs our expression of sexuality and creative energies. It's through this aspect that we project our creativity and embrace our sexuality with the external world.
- Back:Relates to our relationship with our own desires and the acceptance of our sexuality and creative impulses. It reflects how we internally process and accept these energies.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
- Front: Represents our conscious self-esteem, willpower, and personal power as we show it to the outside world. It's about the control we exert over our environment.
- Back: Deals with our unconscious self-esteem issues and our internal power dynamics. It reflects the strength of our will and how empowered we feel internally.

4. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
- Front: Concerns our ability to communicate clearly and truthfully with the outside world. It governs how openly and honestly we express our thoughts and feelings.
- Back: Relates to listening and how we receive, interpret, and internally process information from our environment.

5. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):
- Front: Deals with our ability to see the big picture and project our vision and intuition outwardly. It governs our ability to manifest our vision and influence our path and those around us.
- Back: Concerns our reflection on our inner vision and intuition, how we perceive the world internally, and our connection to our subconscious mind.

6. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):
- Front: This aspect is less about interaction with the external world and more about how we project our spiritual awareness and consciousness into the universe. It represents our ability to be open to the universe and to seek spiritual guidance and enlightenment.
- Back: Relates to our internal connection to the divine or the universal consciousness. It reflects how deeply and sincerely we are connected to our higher self and how we integrate spiritual insights into our personal consciousness.
Balancing Front and Back Aspects of Chakras:
Balancing these aspects of each chakra is crucial for maintaining overall health and spiritual well-being. Imbalances can manifest as various physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. For instance, if the front of the heart chakra is overactive (excessively giving love) and the back is underactive (not receiving love), it might lead to feelings of being drained, unappreciated, or not loved. Conversely, if the back is overactive and the front underactive, it might lead to selfishness or a lack of empathy.

In the next article will explore the subconscious mind and why it is important to learn how to operate it. 
Thank you for being here :) Please Share, like and follow if you resonate.

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Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Creator at Team Light Cyprus.

Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of self in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery Find out more at

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