Saturday 13 April 2024

Entering a New Reality & Higher Platform 2024

Hello warrior family.

Today I want to share some of the things that I’ve noticed throughout the April process that led to the solar eclipse gateway.

Personally, I'm still integrating the profound energies, it feels like we are quantum jumping in an accelerated way to a higher trajectory and we are being prepared physically (biologically), mentally, emotionally and energetically to be able to adapt to a higher platform.

There is rejuvenation in our integration.

Everything that happened, happening and will happen from now on, is preparing us for new earth reality because it’s through our embodiment of the higher frequencies that we are manifesting the new ways of being, the new creations and the new systems that are more in alignment with the highest good of all.

New earth is inevitable and it’s unfolding as we also unfold and release the old realities we’ve been participating in. What I’ve observed this time is that the past and the future versions of self all merged or are merging together in the present moment and they feel intertwined and more balanced.

Through my experience, 2023 was a big clearing point. Around September 2023 towards December up until March 2024 we were collectively processing ALOT on so many levels that it’s hard to put into words. Now all the work we’ve been doing, all the shadow integration and everything that took place brought a more stable and upgraded reality and a new light is evident into the physical reality.

The collective subconscious is shifting after many years of release and clearing.

This changes our collective creation abilities, supporting unified creation which honours the higher trajectory and benefits the whole.
The solar eclipse has helped our multidimensional aspects to heal a lot of things through us and now we are stepping into a bigger body of consciousness. No more leakages of energy. It feels unified, balanced and stable.

As I’m still integrating these energies I’ve noticed ascension symptoms affecting me more than before. This is because our chakra points are being upgraded and our magnetic fields are expanding. 

Our entire DNA is renewing and upgrading. Like a new & better software. 
Check the video below to see how these changes directly affect our DNA:

These energies can manifest in our bodies with changes in appetite, some days wanting to eat everything and some other days not wanting to eat at all or wanting to avoid foods that smell or taste strong. Feeling thirsty or bloated or having strange feeling sensation.

Listen to your body, help detox the heavy metals etc and rest up.
Some days there’s boost of energy that supports the new activity and more available energy to us it feels more charged and clear and then there’s days when we need more rest adjusting into a new sleeping schedule. These energies are intense but feel very supportive. The physical body needs time to adjust to what took place energetically(just like in every gateway point).

We experience a blissful departure from yet another old version of Self.
A closing of a cycle and a beginning of a new one. A rearranging of old patterns into better patterns that support our journey. Something NEW is unfolding.

Spend time alone in nature to align yourself with the natural rhythms. There is a natural release of the old realities without force just because it’s time. We naturally feel the end of the old, instantaneous healing of all old realities especially things connected to childhood.

It’s like we mended something from the past and now those soul pieces are returning to us & are being more present and able to assist into moving forward in balance, as one. A rejuvenated desire to participate in a new creation is very evident and it’s yet to unfold fully. Take your time to feel your next moves and meditate to receive the guidance necessary.

I’m very excited to be here at this time and being able to witness this shift.
Share your own process in the comments below.

I love getting to know you better

Thank you for being here :)

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Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Creator at Team Light Cyprus.

Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of self in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery. Find out more at

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