Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Polarity Therapy & DNA Activation

  Hello Warriors,

Today we’re going to talk about Polarity therapy, DNA activation, the importance of the energetic container, what it is and how to use it. 

Let’s begin by talking about energy sensitivity.

Many of us know how important it is to learn how to regulate our nervous system, keep it in check so that we can avoid having hormonal imbalances, anxiety attacks, digestive issues, gut problems etc, in our day to day lives, by becoming more aware of our thoughts emotions and actions. But there’s still many people around us that are just finding out about these things or people that need a nudge towards the right direction.

The nervous system is a network of neurons whose main feature is to generate, modulate and transmit information between all the different parts of the humans body.

Your autonomic nervous system is a network of nerves throughout your body that control unconscious processes. These are things that happen without you thinking about them, such as breathing, your heart beating and it’s key to your continued survival.

The autonomic nervous system is a functional division of the nervous system, with its structural parts in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. It controls the glands and smooth muscle of all the internal organs (viscera) unconsciously. This is why it’s also called the visceral nervous system. The other functional division of the Central nervous system is the somatic nervous system, which mediates voluntary responses of the body. Together with endocrine glands, the autonomic nervous system affects important body functions without an obvious involvement of the cerebral cortex.

The autonomic nervous system comprises two parts- the sympathetic and parasympathetic  systems. The sympathetic nervous system activates the fight or flight response during a threat or perceived danger, and the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to a state of calm. Our body uses both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic system to balance our body. Yin is related to the parasympathetic system, and Yang is related to the sympathetic system.

When our nervous system becomes overwhelmed the sympathetic system gets overloaded which is a state in which the sympathetic nervous system becomes excessively activated, leading to a prolonged state of stress. With a highly active sympathetic nervous system, the body remains in a heightened state of stress, even in the absence of immediate danger.

The sympathetic nervous system is predominantly controlled by the right side of the brain (focused upon the insular cortex), while the left side predominantly controls the parasympathetic nervous system. 

The concept of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine refers to archetypal energies that are present within all beings, regardless of gender. These energies represent different aspects of consciousness and are often associated with particular qualities, traits, and characteristics.

The Divine Feminine embodies

qualities such as intuition, nurturing, compassion, creativity, receptivity, and emotional depth.

It is associated with the lunar energy, the cycles of nature, and the power of creation, manifestation & transformation.

The Divine Feminine is often depicted as a motherly figure, symbolizing the aspect of life that gives birth, nurtures, and sustains.

On the other hand, the Divine Masculine represents qualities such as strength, action, logic, protection, assertiveness, and stability.

It is associated with solar energy, the principle of active force, and the power of manifestation and protection.

The Divine Masculine is often

symbolized as a fatherly figure, embodying the aspects of providing, guiding, and protecting.

Both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies are essential for a balanced and harmonious existence.

They complement each other and exist in a dynamic interplay, creating a sense of wholeness and completeness within individuals and the collective consciousness.

In recent times, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of embracing and integrating both these energies within ourselves and society.

The call for the reawakening of the Divine Feminine is about honoring the wisdom, intuition, and nurturing qualities that have often been suppressed or undervalued in various cultures.

Similarly, the reclamation of the Divine Masculine involves nurturing healthy expressions of strength, assertiveness, and protection that are aligned with compassion and respect for all beings. The journey towards embracing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine involves cultivating self-awareness.

Additionally, it focuses on healing past wounds and releasing limiting beliefs and conditioning that might hinder the full expression of these energies. This leads to a deeper innerstanding of ourselves, the world, and our interconnectedness with all of existence.

When there is an imbalance in these energies, individuals may struggle with intimacy and vulnerability. This can hinder the ability to form deep and meaningful connections with others. An overemphasis on one energy while neglecting the other can lead to rigidity and an inability to adapt to change and life’s natural flow. 

This can also be depicted in many different forms and spiritually it’s linked to the world of the unseen. 

We have access to the work of the unseen by learning how to use our DNA. How to regulate our nervous system & also how to synchronise the left and the right hemispheres of the brain.

All of the above are being expressed through of our feminine & masculine personality traits. 

The autonomic nervous system controls many of the body’s functions – pretty much anything that our body does without us having to think about it, such as sweating, digestion, or the blood pressure in our arteries. One part of the autonomic nervous system is a pair of nerves called the vagus nerves, which run up either side of the neck. These nerves connect the brain with some of our internal organs, including the heart. They allow the brain to receive information about how hard the heart is working and send commands to control how quickly it beats.

Gregg Braden’s latest research elaborates on the ancient technique of using the heart as an intelligent organ.

The heart’s intelligence has been ignored for far too long. What we’ve learned about the heart’s wisdom, however, in the past several years through the Heart Math Institute and through the research of psychologists, neurobiologists, and resurfaced wisdom teachings from our ancient past, should inspire everyone to look at the heart in a completely new way.

For those who are not used to using their innate intelligence–that is their intuition. The heart knows your past, your present, and your future. Its intelligence does not care about your egoic constructs. The heart simply speaks from a completely neutral place.

When we connect through the heart we are able to bring brain and heart coherence which can then shift us into a different energy state of consciousness.

The ability to shift into more presence & awareness comes through the heart by tuning in and reconnecting with our subconscious. A neutral space where your heart speaks to the mother and father (higher aspects of self). Your “inner child or inner teenager” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future.

ATP is also known as the energy currency of the body, because all energy is stored in the form of ATP, and the stored energy is released by the breakdown of ATP, the released energy is used by muscles and other parts of the body. Ever since people's responses to overwhelming experiences have been systematically explored, researchers have noted that a trauma is stored in somatic memory and expressed as changes in the biological stress response. Like a virus in our encoding system, unprocessed traumatic memories can become sticking points that cause our mental and physical processes to malfunction. Early evidence of cellular memory shows that it's not just our brain, but our body's cells that could hold an imprint of past traumatic events.

To be able to tap into our higher intelligence to receive guidance, healing and inspiration we are required to shift our brainwaves from autopilot to deep presence. In other words, we are required to study the layers of our subconscious mind and how they work through our bodies of consciousness. 

In previous posts and videos you’ve heard me speak about the archetypes, the fractalization progress and the animus anima of the self, brain hemisphere synchronization and energy body activation. Today I want to expand more on the yin & yang energy, our feminine & masculine polarity. The father and mother figure within, our light side & our night side. 

What does it mean to create the container? 

Our physical body is anchoring us into the physical dimension through the energy centers the chakras of the body. Energetically we operate in many dimensions but we are rarely aware of it consciously. 

Different aspects of our personality (and multidimensionality) express on a daily bases through our thoughts emotions and physical actions. Energetically, the night polarity the yang energy is responsible for protecting the physical body, the mind and our soul (our innocence and creativity). So the night side is the protector, the father figure, the divine masculine within us. 

The divine feminine energy, the yin energy is the one that has the ability to nurture, to heal, to transmute &

birth our creations. The light side, the mother energy within the self. When the divine masculine and the divine feminine are in harmony with one another, the flow of energy, the life force, the inner power & divine expression can flow effortlessly because the physical body feels safe, open, safe to surrender into the mother womb energy to birth energy i to existence. Theres a homeostasis between the body the mind and the soul, there’s heart and brain coherence - left & right hemisphere synchronization. 

The external reality runs in opposition with our internal cycles and our body does its best to function with our way of life, but we rarely feel at ease because we are living in a non natural environment. All living being are in harmony with the cycles of nature. We are constantly being bombarded by frequencies not only from our devices and other sources but our food our water the air and even the weather is being manipulated. There’s nanotechnology in our food and so many other things that have a direct impact to our health. Not only that but we are constantly monitored and our nervous system is usually on autopilot on the survival mode to keep up with the daily tasks, routines, activities and events that we experience.

Work life, family life, friendships relationships, unexpected events, projections of other people, belief systems and traumatic experiences are constantly playing in our minds. So in this way we run the divine masculine more than the divine feminine because we have this mechanism of protection our masculine shield. The more it is used the more distractive it can get. 

When all your energy is being spent 24/7 on the mind chatter & the distractions of the world externally then you have no energy and no time to do anything else. All you want to do is avoid the present or filling it with other activities that provide temporary relief and comfort. And the more we do that the more susceptible we are to addictions, laziness and self destruction. We run low frequency programs. These are the things we call shadow traits. The things we are required to heal and transmute. 

creating the container

Creating where you belong means: not just create or attract the company you want to be surrounded by, but create the container 🫙 in which through your alignment-integration of the masculine and the feminine qualities, you are stabilising your frequency, honing your energy into your center (that is in alignment with the planet) which is already an expression of your natural self, so that your natural self can relate to and identify with the nature around you. In the same way you put down roots and you very strongly ground yourself so you can have an anchor with which you can then rise into the higher dimensions and explore inter dimensionally, different expressions of your other dimensional versions and channel them into this one through your natural skills and abilities. To anchor the unification of polarity of good and bad the father protector figure and the mother nurturer figure so that your child (inner child) inner teenager, original creator state being-potential can activate, flourish, feel safe to create into the physical through the physical body.

There’s something about creating the container through our own expression as a divine masculine in a masculine body or as a divine masculine in a feminine body, so that the divine feminine aspect & the inner child can feel safe within the container to be fully open & in a state of flow to

come out and play. 

To create means to be in a state of grounded flow. To create the space in time,  and the time in space to fill the container with the necessary energetic materials & focused intentions by clearing your stream, your fields, spinning your geometry & opening up your energetic capacity, to call in the protector so that you can surrender into the self. Your core frequency without distractions. Where our hormones are in balance. We exist in a mental state where our energy is constantly needed outwards where frequencies try to hack our fields and create imbalances within.

We can win this war on consciousness & fight back only by showing up inside and calming, soothing, easing & processing what the energy in your body and even around your body and fields is working through. Conscious presence. Conscious Alignment. Not just meditation but feeling and locating within your cables where your energy is being used. Bringing the left and the right hemisphere into the centre of your heart and pushing it downwards through the energy centres towards through the feet and the earth.



-energetically by creating motion and spinning the geometry of your body to operate within & around your energy fields.

The reason why the internal schism and polarity or separation happens is because of the distorted masculine and / or the distorted feminine essence within. When the distorted mother & father figures exist & being suppressed, the wounded inner child or inner teenager becomes the dominant energy running the subconscious behavioural patterns and defensive mechanisms that self distract as a way of creating a sense of control. As a way of calling silently for help, for the parents to stop arguing and work together as one. 

In this dynamic, we have the warrior father protector energy, that needs a divine feminine nurturer quality to balance out the alpha energy and also the feminine nurturer needs to adopt some alpha qualities from the warrior protector aspect, to create stronger boundaries so that her energy isn’t taken for granted or overused. So that the innocence is protected and the divinity is restored and respected. 

This is what our hearts need, what society needs and what the collective needs to balance out and unify.

This is a place where you want your focus to be but taking step one to get there is to be aware encourage of how to navigate this energy and the way to bring yourself into this neutral observer state frequency. 

Easier said that done?

when you find yourself in a chaotic physical situation and are processing many events all at once, sometimes it feels too much and you feel stack unable to proceed, process and your nervous system feels overwhelmed overloaded. 

When this happens you are usually between timelines and you are transitioning from one version of yourself to another. You come into contact with a variety of emotions and expressions of self under pressure to graduate or end a repeated cycle. 

A repeated cycle can be yours, or you are processing this for your bloodline, lineage etc as the strongest being of your bloodline or circle as your archetypes in physical and energetic form.

This is when you are required to assess weather you need a break from everything and a redirection or a temporary “healthy” distraction so that it can be your permission slip for rest and therefore realignment to reset in a new way back into safety. In other words, use the mechanisms necessary and alchemize all by removing your attachment to situations.

Use the mechanisms with discernment. Don’t be used by them. Know when to stop, how much to indulge and then bounce back. Sometimes is a necessary “fuck this shit”. Removing resistance through detachment. Until your next synchronicity shows up. Be honest with yourself because you this is the only way to move forward with truth. There’s something multidimensional related to the distorted masculine that we are all asked or forced to see (internally or even externally through wars and conflicts). 

Let yourself give in so that you can move through it. The only way out is through. Take your time. These things are ancestral, repeated events and patterns in many different scenarios where we learn how to break cycles, be more compassionate and aware & also how to create strong boundaries and speak our truth when necessary. How to build a better relationship with ourselves and therefore our surroundings. Overcoming our fears, personal fears, ancestral fears, societal norms, fears and constructs and so on. Removing identities and agendas and recreating them with a better innerstanding. A better clarity. A higher love.

Your value as a person comes only from within you and how you show up for yourself first and then to others. If you are not happy with yourself then change whatever necessary so that you can feel good about yourself again. Weather this is mental, physical or in awareness this is up to you. 

All layers are there for you to use and experiment with. That’s how we grow. And growth is always uncomfortable. 

Learn to be ok with the unknown. Learn to trust yourself and creation more knowing that everything works out in the end in the best possible way no matter how things seemed to temporarily be. Navigate through the journey, find your center while experiencing the uncomfortable. Find comfort in there. Your growth is seen by the unseen. Expect nothing. Just appreciate everything even if it’s hard to find something you are grateful for when transitioning. Begin with you. With how grateful you are about yourself always being there for you. And about your guides & loved ones. 

Your value comes through the relationship you have with your own values and standards. Trying to please others and force things usually leads to constructive “disasters”. It creates separation in how you want to show up and how you are forced to show up by all the physicaand non physical events and interferences & personality traits ( mother and father polarity).

How do you end the frustration?

Some say be unapologetically yourself but I don’t necessarily agree with this because there are many exceptions that must be addressed. 

I would say “Be yourself but also be aware of everything and everyone”. Don’t be rude and try to do the best that you can within the circumstances you are experiencing. Non people pleasing doesn’t mean hurt others (this is a distorted masculine trait) or not care about it because you are more important than them or because their experience is less than yours. There are many different processes we all experience and it’s always based on what our consciousness is ready to experience in each moment.  Respect and Compassion are very important virtues to cultivate. 

If you are struggling with things or you are not currently able to show up physically exactly how you envision yourself, it’s ok. The external reality always has its mirrors and many different perspectives that people choose to perceive things with. It’s important to stay centred and strengthen your inner foundation no matter how the external experience is trying to sway you. Nothing can hack your inner reality if you’re aware enough of how the subtle energies work. No matter how heavy, dense or overwhelming it is. Sometimes you are the only one strong enough to go through a specific experience and graduate that experience for yourself and others linked to that experience. Nobody knows but you! So give yourself some credit for that. You energetically work day and night and in dream time. I call this blog Spiritual Warrior Secrets for a reason :)  Take your time to rest. To feel and to process whatever needs to be seen and adjusted. As long as you are alive you have enough time to correct things externally but most of the work is internal. You help your family by internalising, tunning in, spinning the fields, grounding in your body. You help your territory etc by grounding your energetic signature in your environment and expand your roots into the ground. Sometimes external action isn’t necessary when you know how to energetically adjust the imbalances. Some other times it’s very necessary to show up physically too. You’ll learn to grow your awareness and feel your way through your next steps. Conscious Alignment is here for this exact reason. We are in this together, lets unite and move through these things together knowing that we have a loving community & supporting one another through all the steps necessary 💚

Take your time to detox and realign and then when you feel ready, show up. Reinvent yourself, recreate your preferred identity and the version you wish to be. You are evolving, expanding, growing ⚡️

It’s a battle between polarities. But YOU are here to integrate the polarity through unifying in the center. Not just one time but daily. Providing the example externally may never be enough based on your standards and how time is being used here but don’t let this stop you from expressing aspects of yourself that are needed here. BE someone that you are happy with and let the creative expression create the ripple effects the way it knows how. 

Free yourself from how people choose to perceive your reality. If you are happy with who you are and you know your intentions are pure  & are constantly focusing on improving yourself, this is all matters. The rest is just distraction and a way way to keep you in a loop. Know thyself and do the best that you can everyday. 

Be a little kinder to yourself as you move through these challenges. 

I get it that sometimes we want people to know the truth about who we really are and want to impress others or force situations. 

But what if you let the universe remove and replace and align what is truly meant for you?

You are here to unfold. Let yourself do it, use your awareness & your focus in a productive way. But also don’t forget to have fun with it too.

Let the innocence play 😊💚🙏

Check the latest video about somatic intelligence where I explain about multidimensionality when it comes to the masculine & feminine and their temperaments and how to use your body and DNA to gain better access. 

Keep showing up for you because YOU-nity begins with you, you-nifying all the fractals within yourself and extracting their wisdom to share through your own unique experience & energetic expression begins when the trinity realises its just all ONE.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful. If you did please share it with your friends and in groups and follow us on social media.

Thank you for being here!

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Creator at Team Light Cyprus. 

Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of self in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery. Find out more at www.consciousalignment.co.uk

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