Sunday 20 June 2021

My 21 day water fast & DNA Activation download

Hello warrior family,

If you follow me on social media, you already know that I did a 21 day water fast and today I’d like to share more details about this experience and how it helped me to become more able to receive another download related to dormant DNA.

As you may already know from this posts or my other online platforms, I share about my ascension journey and embodiment as I go along.

In 2020, I had a core activation where all the information and experiences that I had since 2012, came full circle and I gained a bigger innerstanding and clarity of how all these things work when it comes to embodiment and what truly means to work with the body and mind, through physical and energetic alchemy.

After working with my spirit guides daily on learning how to clear my vessel and environment from entities that were causing inflammation is distortions and integrating my aspects with specific techniques, I came to a point where I had to take a break to completely unplug from everything in order to FEEL what exactly took place and how all these processes affected my vessel.

It is definitely not an easy process to keep entering myself into situations that were causing physical and energetic blockages in order to learn about the clearing while also processing past and present timelines and transmuting them all at once but it’s worth it! Mastering the self takes time effort and a lot of repetition so we can definitely use as much help as we can from permission slips that align us more with our true nature and blueprint.

I have been guided to do an extended water fast before really realizing the reasons or benefits, I just wanted to try it. In the beginning it was to lose the body fat that accumulated throughout this process and the three lockdowns that we’ve been in, but later on I gain more clarity  by feeling the difference in energy levels and the processes of the body. 

If you want to learn more information about water fasting or intermittent fasting and how to do it, check my fitness blog here.

During my 21 day water fast I lost 10 kilos of body fat (22 pounds). If you think about it, we take vacations, we have weekends off from work, we rest our bodies through sleep, and we "take a break" to rejuvenate from stress. 

One thing, though, that we hardly ever do, is take a break from food for longer lengths of time.

Our digestive system is very busy and hard-working, which requires high amounts of energy; in fact, the digestive system can even drain energy needed for healing, repair and general maintenance of the body (plus all the other daily distractions in our lives). Fasting is an ancient tradition practiced for thousands of years for curing illness of all kinds, rejuvenation, clarity and decision making, cleansing and strengthening. You can find more details here .

Fasting is a message to your body that you're embarking on a new beginning, flushing out the old and bringing in the new. It was a perfect time for me to do this since we are in these energetic shits, eclipses etc, to shift things into a more positive and balanced direction.

As the internal healing was taking place, I was doing more and more research on the topic but I couldn’t find information for the energetic aspect things, so I had to tune in and to monitor my journey so that I can provide information about it all.

During my fast I realized that I had no desire or energy to focus on the external reality and that somehow I stopped processing other people’s emotions or energy in general. 

I felt my higher aspects more present and things that I had responsibility over were no longer there for me. Those responsibilities were mostly energetic work that I do for not only myself but for my clients, bloodline, neighborhood and territory i general. I was ‘on vacation’ feeling fully supported to just heal and be in bliss. The ‘shadow’ aspects were on vacation too but some of them were very present to shield things while I was ‘away’.

I was more able to fully innerstand what slowing down meant completely and what being fully present in the moment felt like. 

It’s crazy how much work our bodies do without us realizing it. I was just processing my emotional state internally inside the DNA and how this was changing everything about my mentality, my clarity and how my energy was being used before.

I was detoxing on all levels, in the physical - internal DNA - biology, mentally by observing my thoughts and energy levels and all the processes that have been going on, as well as energetically when it came to not being a part of the external game for a while. I've never experienced this type of connection before. All my senses were heightened tenfold etc. After a while I felt like I was missing cooking and the whole ritual of it. Since my body was in autophagy mode and I wasn’t hungry at all, I didn’t miss eating food, just preparing and smelling it, so I found myself watching cooking videos on youtube or even shows about eating disorders and I was studying the mentality behind the traumas that kept people in a loops.

When it came to the refeeding process I felt a relief not because I wasn't enjoying it or because I was hungry but because I was getting too sensitive to smells and to the metallic taste in my mouth (from the ketones and the detoxing of my tongue) and even all the smells on me and around me. Then more I was detoxing the more sensitive I began to be with even my own body odor. This was strange because I rarely use products that have harming ingredients for the body. 

The other reason I felt a relief was the fact that my gut has been dormant for so long that feeling bowl movements again was amazing; because I could feel my solar plexus being in transition to opening again. I even missed processing things no matter how uncomfortable! Which was funny!

What I loved most during the refeeding process was the ecstatic feeling of everything I was tasting. It was like eating for the first time, everything tasted divine and I developed a deeper appreciation for food and for this physical life.  I was so clean that I could fee fireworks exploding in my brain..I was basically feeling high for almost two weeks after breaking my fast from all the hormones within my body. 

If you would like to know what foods worked best for me to break my fast, check my water fast highlight on my instagram page here .

Another positive feeling was the fact that I had more energy to do things in the external reality.  When you are in a fasted state you don't have huge amounts of energy like you used to when you were eating and your energy levels are fluctuating daily. One day you might have a lot of energy and the next day you might need to sleep the whole day because when you rest, your body focuses 100% on detoxing; but as the days go by you feel more and more energetic.

The refeeding process is also a time for discernment, to really check yourself not to repeat the old ways of eating

(if you are an emotional eater and you eat for pleasure etc

then this is your time for ‘shadow’ integration). Take notes and be honest with yourself when it comes to this.

 Another thing that I realized was when you introducing food to the body again might be difficult at the beginning because your body needs to wake up slowly and adjust to foods again, so you may have some food sensitivities or intolerances that you weren’t:t aware before that used to cause inflammation.

After week 3 of the refeeding process, I was beginning to feel frustrated that my solar plexus was not 100% active, because I wanted to do energy work and flex my energy around my house etc, but I had to be patient as everything had the right timing and reason for happening in this way, which I will share further down.

As I said in the beginning, the ‘shadow’ aspects had to go on vacation too and since we are integrating our shadow, I realized after tuning in, that an aspect on my stream got lazy and it felt like I was dragging him. My energy felt heavy like someone liked to NOT to do things or avoid responsibilities. 

Since the solar plexus was dormant and the digestive system was taking a break, it wasn't spinning fast enough. When I was transitioning during the referring, I felt an opening on my aura that even though I was pushing my chi to expand and spin around me, I couldn't shake things off like before and this was very frustrating. In a way, I couldn't ground fully in my space, only in my body. 

And here I realized the different ways of grounding. It’s a different feeling. I wasn't able to push cables or to feel what was in my space energetically, so I was in an in between state and I made a request to my stream to show me what was going on.  Another thing that I realized was that since we have free will, I was presented with a choice. To either request consciously to change this situation or to fall back and go unconscious to old habits that are feeding the shadow side agendas on my stream of consciousness (related to emotional eating etc). 

Upon tuning in I felt that there was something energetically on my stream that needed to be called out, cleared\crossed over or integrated through boundaries and an agreement.

So I can definitely tell that I am more self aware of my energy and how it is being used not only by me but by my higher aspects too. That's why it took longer for me to share about this experience because I knew there was more coming.

The reminder that I got was: ‘You are the one who determines what reality you choose and what timeline you wish to be on, through your actions’.

This was my own test to pass. To choose to maintain homeostasis or to let the mind direct me to old habits and emotional instability of the external.

Fasting is a tool to become a better version of you.

The way to snap out of the old by redirecting the mind giving it a job to do. When I realized what was taking place, I had to ask myself:

 Who do you wish to be if this is your own movie?

Act as if you are that version already and choose the healthiest ways of expression. Fasting is your tool to heal from the inside out and not from the outside in. You can use external things to help but your alignment is up to you. All the techniques are available to shift you internally but if the internal shift doesn't happen, then it’s just a pretend game, not a true alignment.

 Be mindful of self sabotaging thoughts and provide balanced solutions through integration.

Get in touch with your feeling body again and ask yourself:

What are you feeling?

 Are you bored?

 Are you emotional?

 Are you stressed?

Are you breathing deeply and effortlessly?

if no, why not? Express.

Do you need more water?

Do you need a break?

Be more like you were during your fast and apply what you’ve learned when you were tuning into the body feeling all the processes & the detoxing.

Be more aware of your energy and your energy levels and all the distractions. 

How and which foods are affecting your energy? 

Which foods no longer help you? 

Decide to change your diet maybe cut out a few things or re-introduce things to figure it out. 

Assist your body. After the fast your body is operating on a higher frequency so when doing the reseeding, if you cannot hold that frequency (your shadow, your mind) will try to protect you from the unknown, so you will unconsciously  lower your frequency to go into something more familiar. Your job is to pass the test and guide your mind to be ok with the unfamiliar.

Make sure there is a clear channel and energy flow on the centre of the your chakra stream, your silver cord and the sides of your abdomen because this is how you can identify blockages or entity possessions. You can learn more about it here.

Energetically you can’t  feel your environment until you open your feeling ability on purpose by doing the work.

If you get overwhelmed or frustrated by the whole process, you trigger emotions and thoughts that have a direct effect on the body etc. So take it slow, watch what is trying to sneak back in and change your timeline with conscious choices. If you need any guidance related to this topic or any other assistance feel free to contact me. 

If one chakra is out of balance then all the chakras can be affected by it.  

When the heart is blocked, it blocks the throat chakra and then the crown and so your energy wings cannot expand or flex around you and you hit an energetic ceiling. 

During the fast, some chakras go dormant for awhile and you need to help your body remember how to spin them again by going light body push your ceiling up by removing any chords that try to limit your power or drain your energy. Build up your momentum slowly, start walking or running until you feel strong enough to lift some weights to build your stamina and to help your organs filter new blood that will assist you to process information and energy again.

Another important thing that I almost forgot to mention is Enemas.

If you are about to begin a fast or end a fast or even in your day to day life, enemas are a great way to eliminate toxins and clear all the things that are stack in there.

 It keeps things clean and the chi flowing.

 I am here to help. Try not to go into the extremes. Don’t overdo the fasting and don’t obsess over your weight. Keep it balanced. The body craves simple, unprocessed, fresh wholesome foods. Be prepared to be okay with changing your eating habits or your food preferences. There are cycles and timeline shifts that need to be completed.

When I had a core activation back in 2020, I was guided to create a pdf guide with the techniques that I learned from my spirit guides on how to assist the body to clear entity attachments, inflammation and blocked energy that in time helps the dormant DNA to activate. he techniques and to be able to share what I learn with my clients. When I had the core activation I was shown the following download but I kept forgetting how to physically do it because my body wasn’t ready to hold a higher frequency of information. 

I have now gained more clarity on the visualization aspect during the whole process. I received the download both by feeling it and seeing it because this is how I work with my guides. We all have different ways of decoding information and different skillsets (That is why it is important to work together, we hold different pieces of the puzzle). The whole body, mind and the entire DNA is being activated and used during this process and you feel your energy wings flexing. This time I was shown the next step of unlocking the dormant DNA as a new set of wings.

I know that I haven't shared much information on my platforms about the core activation and the techniques and that most information is included in the pdf guide, but since this download came after the water fast I thought that it would be best to share it here. 

In the pdf I mention many things in great detail about grid work and about specific stretching and pressure point techniques that activate dormant strands of DNA when going light body and many other important things.

Here’s the download that I received a day after my birthday.

There is more clarity about the stretching techniques as you realize the process of doing the gridding / wing flexing and the way you claim back the sovereignty of your consciousness & of your physical and energetic ‘ground’.

This is step 2 of how to step into sovereignty after closing your processing mechanism (solar plexus) in water fasting.

The previous step was the inner and outer circle, the inner as in the inner tree (as in the shield the sword of the consciousness (click here for more), and so now we extend our wings from the ground to the 4 directions of the room using the hands bringing them behind our back and using the alpha and omega muntras by bringing the left and right into one body of consciousness to meet in the middle at the lower back and then we open our hand ( T ) 

to hold the left and the right & shoulder to shoulder and then we bring the hands back again into oneness with the muntra (that creates an inverted triangle energetically). I might create a youtube video in the future that shows this so stay tuned. 

Next step: 

Bring the hands together at the back as one, and up above the head we look, from inside the inner ‘tree’, from down the root, through the





to the tunnel of the 3rd eye in sovereignty and free will by breathing and exhaling through a triangle that our hands\fingers create above the crown (the eye of the crown, the triangle muntra), connecting the physical vessel to the higher dimensions and the parallel versions of self. 


For the inner tree-non inverted triangle we use the alpha and omega muntras here .

The dormant DNA activation code comes in sovereignty through visualization and action when the vessel & the consciousness is ready. 

The activation begins when you lay on the ground with your heart center touching the floor and you breath to calm down your nervous system. Then you go into Child pose. 

Head on the ground and feet together using the sacred geometry within our own nature, like the insect geometry. 

Like a spider (αράχνη). 

Each leg or hand creates. You see the spider as a physical being. Now see the spider as an energetic being that is you. 

Each leg is another dimensional access. Each leg is an energetic wing for you. Each leg is an aspect of self that exists on one vessel. You are the center, the core, that the legs stem from and you can use each leg at will.

From the child pose you activate the ‘spider’ visual. 

Now move from the child’s pose and stand on your feet. 

Physically, as a vessel, you use only two legs, but you can use your two hands to express your creation by balancing the left and the right side \ hemispheres \ helixes of DNA,

as well as


through both

light and shadow


that meet in the middle

through the vessel, from

the heart


the back

and around

and up

and through

when you blow through the non inverted triangle above your crown.

The blowing-exhaling through the triangle represents your voice, your will, the logos (λόγος).

Your unique voice and frequency of the heart;

 and through the triangle you see your vision come into life

through the eye of the needle (the crown) through the unified field of consciousness.

It takes a concentrated chi and a lot of effort as a firm-tight & stable vessel in mass-density in a homeostatic frequency to be given access to the next code.

Reset, restart, reassess, restore, recalibrate, repeat, relearn in clarity and express in sovereignty through the heart the voice and visualization activation, using the sacred geometry of your nature and the natural world that you/we are apart of.

That is only one version of the many realities and expressions we have as a multidimensional vessel that can access different expressions of frequency & will. 

When we are ready (not in years, but in innerstanding) of the ascending consciousness, we enter into an accelerated frequency and perception & information & motion within the cells and the DNA both as biology and as a higher presence; as a higher, inner and outer that is both up and through as ONE. 

You are the I in the eye of the needle, that I and we (are).

The flower of life, its fractals, its circles, its triangles, all have a center (a core) that we can access through the heart, our inner core. It is all ONE. 

Combining the left and the right and merging the lower chakras into one triangle meeting at the back through the hands, we the go up and through, in and around the sides at shoulder level (holding them reigns of the reality) with our arms and from here we grid the space in all 4 directions from the child’s pose, to the standing on the two feet and then we bring them up above the head to see up and in and through, aligning all chakras and spinning them using our breath to concentrate the chi and and blow-exhale through the non inverted triangle of our hands above the head. 

When creating a triangle we are merging our balanced-integrated will into a unified physical creation, in harmony and homoeostasis through the eye of the crown that extends our access like a spider, using our energy wings that are parallel dimensions, infinite like the planets, the stars, the galaxies and the universes. 

This download came in a day after my birthday that helped me open up my solar plexus completely.

Birthday is another permission slip to access your birthright if you're ready. Returning information comes as soul pieces when the clarity and the next clarity moment of the now happens to be into alignment. 

When we fully ground within our nature, as one with all layers and versions of our nature and reality this is the embodiment of the unified consciousness and the meaning of it through this download.

We can also ground feeling the elements the water and its temperatures (find more info here).

When in contact with the elements, our true nature comes alive. In their contact and stillness we produce chi to stay alive within the breath that fuels the organism and spins the chakras to help the organs to exist and to create. It's a driving force that sustains life. Just like the four seasons, the four elements, the four directions.

We always create from the center.

The inner core of everything, when coming together and unifying into one, all layers, pieces, fractals and archetypes as well as thoughts and emotions and expressions bring a clarity moment of NOW, of deep grounding and present within, the I AM that is original geometry. 

I hope you’ve found this article helpful. If you did please share it with your friends and in groups and follow us on social media.

Thank you for being here!

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Creator of Team Light Cyprus. 

Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of self in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery.

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