Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Body, DNA & Dimensions | Download

Hello Warrior family :) 

Today I want to share some downloads that I have received intuitively that are related to dormant DNA activation. It seems that, to fully innerstand the process of activation of dormant DNA ,I choose to repeat all steps again and again at different times and when I feel that I get in enough, a new information is revealed to me.

As I’ve shared in my previous posts and the dormant DNA activation guide, when we mange to clear the body physically, it’s like clearing our channel and so we are able to feel more things that usually escape our awareness. It’s a gentle process. 

The reason why there are stages and steps for each level is because there are many forms of clearing and also perception. 

 I have received the following information in different ways and times and it all comes together to form a clear perspective. Here’s what I have learned through intuitive contact.

Physical clearing can be translated as the following:

  • Physical as in detoxing the internal DNA, organs etc
  • Physical as in detoxing the spine & bones
  • Physical as in detoxing the meridians of the body
  • Physical as in clearing inflammation through the muscles, tissues, lymphatic system etc
  • Physical as in practicing hygiene to clear the external energy and our auric fields (click the video below for more details):
  • Physical as in grounding our presence in the dimensional room 
  • and energetic clearing.

Today I want to share more information about stretching and pressure points.

Every stretch connects to a resonance within, that slows down the breathing in such a way so that we can then open up energetically to let the energy move. By doing this, we not only learn how to release the belief systems that we hold or other energetic blockages that cause inflammation or possession but we also come to the realization that the imposed belief that the muscles aren’t elastic enough to stretch beyond the mind’s perception no longer applies. When the body opens up from within the ''inner tree'', as I explained in the video below,

we open up from the center, like a seed, like a flower that blooms. The DNA then unfolds, it expands, it no longer needs to shrink itself, it activates the portal of the dimensional room, the ''tree like'' perception of reality. 

When we practice stretching daily in the morning before doing anything else, we familiarize more and more with the ‘womb’ of earth and we remember the connection that we have with her in a more profound way. We feel safe to open up our energy not only in our body but in our space too, that is a part of our physical DNA as a planetary body.

Trusting the ground in frequency helps the mind to unplug and reset in a higher frequency. So it is important to start the day in the right mental state. This helps to integrate both light and shadow aspects into one. Into complete acceptance of the whole into neutrality.

When you know this and practice this as a spiritual training daily, you learn how to consciously operate the physical vessel to clear the fields of your own body and then clear and adjust your environment energetically by holding the field (so that others can grow too in their own time and space).

Basically, you can adjust your taurus fields to shake the density off, from within the physical body, then the mind and the emotional body, which in tern this helps to activate the portal that dissolves the veils in between those dimensions (which oscillate higher in frequency & light speed). 

In this way we begin to work with the crystalline grid systems of the heart and the cosmos and grounding them to the planet through our own body as DNA in form.

We are here in training through our individual journeys to learn how to embody the next phase of evolution. Basically, when we pass our physical and emotional tests and when we innerstand how energy works, how our choices influence reality and how everything relates to sovereignty or possession of the consciousness then we can begin to have inter dimensional contact through our own vessel through the DNA.

The reason why we do this training is because the body can be easily programmed to access different frequencies and dimensional bandwidths within space (internal space), in the stillness of the energetic motion,

as one with the elements, sounds and temperatures.

The zero point of the moment where the senses surrender to a higher form of love and safety is achieved by opening up, releasing attachment, surrendering the mind into the heart fields and tuning into the center of self. 

When we do this we begin to access different frequencies that I perceive as light and different colors that vibrate and elevate the consciousness.

I personally like to do this while connecting to the sun and I use music to move the energy from around my taurus fields from my heart, around my house, neighborhood and planetary field.

Griddwork is when we are embodying this alignment in an open space or area and rewriting the old energy through the crystalline DNA of our sacred geometry (through adjustment of frequency). Both personally and collectively. Our individual environment has a specific energetic signature and we asked to be born or grow up in that environment based on our soul growth, bloodline and ancestral lineage. 

Our environment can assist in our embodiment journey as the soul chooses to incarnate in a vessel and family that has a percentage of specific archetypes. 

When we master the dimensional room perception, we can then begin to merge with our higher aspects of self and decode the etheric interaction through higher forms of consciousness. We exit our personal ‘’rooms’’ that look like tv screens and assist other people around us, or around the planet by entering their rooms. This is called bilocation. 

But before we get there, we have a lot of clearing to do as well as practice and learning how to maintain a higher frequency in our body. In other words we must learn how to assist our body to its clearing and detoxing and not adding up more things to pile up.

When trying to clear the stress & over stimulation from the heart centre down to the other chakras to clear them we need to know how to move the energy and in what away.

We moved from the heart down to the chakra stream through pressure and breath in  order to clear the chakra stream from possession, inflammation or toxins that cause blockages (both physical and energetic).

When we breathe and pressure at the same point the brain gets shocked in a way because it hasn't been rewired like that for awhile so it's sends back information to the body (of that signal of the I am presence) and it cuts the distorted cables off.

So the physical ways of moving that energy is by applying pressure all the way to the umbilical cord both the left and right arteries and then we proceed on the legs. We stretch the legs in sacred geometry while

applying pressure through the central points on arteries and muscles down-to-earth. It's a deep grounding, piercing all layers of mental, emotional and etheric constructs or layers.

Because we are the tree, accessed by higher dimensional DNA connections. Our individual sacred geometry is connected to the tree of life (that we are), and the tree of life is a part of the flower of life that is a part of a bigger organism. 

Forms of grounding:

Working out can be used to awakened the mind and the heart through breathing by constantly producing clean energy & chi. By filtering new blood through the organs, we are clearing the organism and assisting in its job rather than adding to a problematic situation. 

We already have toxins metals etc in our bodies from food and water, so we can work with our bodies to clean more so that we can begin to perceive more purified light information through our lenses and not through the mental filters that have been programmed to serve other agendas. 

Another way to ground, push your Chi through the ground extend the roots  deep and open up your field pushing all density out of your space dimensional room and etheric bodies. Then when stable adjusting by radiating hard frequency by using the heat or light from the sun through your crown and visualizing through your third eye that the colors and geometries behind your closed eyes shine in golden white blue light that you merge with until you find the centre of self. 

Practice this often to embody mastery of how to activate the crystal in Grid systems of earth through your vessel. You can find more information on the channeled guide that I was guided to create of how to activate the dormant DNA through specific techniques to achieve physical and spiritual fitness and homeostasis on all levels.

So again, we move energy from the Heart first to the umbilical arteries through the arteries on the legs and muscles. From the legs to the earth and then from the entire spine and kundalini into earth and around the etheric layers of the body, the house, the tree, the dimensional room.

Between the tree and the dimensional room there used to be gray area that prevented the consciousness to perceive the connection and to merge with the self by causing the illusion of separation from the two. 

In conclusion, keep the body organs and spine clean and detoxed to maintain longer connection of the I am presence and the zero point of crystalline grid system frequency.

When you sun charge in this way you're downloading and uploading information at the same time like the way you embody the crystalline coding. We are rewriting the carbon-based coding through the crystalline and activating the dormant strands. 

Quantum DNA is:

-physical as in outer body 

-physical as in the internal body 

-physical as in the planetary body and metaphysical as the dimensional room.

For more info click here. 

I hope you found this article helpful :) If you did please share it with your friends & groups. 

Thank you for being here!

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Founder of Team Light Cyprus. 
Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of themselves in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery.

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