Wednesday 17 March 2021

Analysis Of Self Awareness through my experience

Hello warrior family, 

Today I want to share the processes of self awareness when it comes to DNA activation because when we are in this journey of conscious evolution, we learn many things about ourselves. 

I personally like to take notes of things that I learn through my own processes and the processes of my clients, so that I can see the bigger picture of how things work and to make it easier for you to innerstand things when writing these blog posts, providing a reflection so that you can find your own decoding ways.

DNA activation comes through the process of us learning about ourselves. 

So far the main things that I've learned through my experiences are the following:

(You can find detailed information and guidance here.)

  1. The elements of the external world and the internal world-body and how they relate to emotions and DNA.
  2. Body awareness when it comes to self image and self confidence
  3. Mind and mental processes when it comes to beliefs, conditioning and actions
  4. Emotions when it comes to external projections and how to regulate them without responding externally. 
  5. Soul connection when it comes to the inner child, the heart connection and the lineage that you come from.
  6. Spiritual awareness of higher aspects and DNA awareness through frequency
  7. House awareness when it comes to the subconscious or unconscious habits related to order, structure, and deeper self awareness of unprocessed emotions etc
  8. Awareness of daily habits when it comes to possession - ''hacking'' of the consciousness and sovereignty.
  9. Awareness of personal values, preferences, visions and life path etc
  10. Deeper awareness of the legacy I want to create through my energetic signature and and footprint on this planet etc.

Question from a client during a 1 on 1 session for spiritual coaching.

I understand the connection between the body and the actions that we can take to help our physical body detox to assist the DNA activation etc, but how does self care and home organization relate to the DNA activation process? 

Analysis on self-care and house care helps in self awareness. It helps to see who you subconsciously and unconsciously are based on the things you have accumulated throughout the years and the way you act within your space; it gives you the opportunity to reflect about your choices, acknowledge your habits in a deeper way (of who you are, who you have been and who you choose to be in the present or future timelines). 

When it comes to space organization and simplicity or donating things, mental & emotional  processes take place in order for a person to take action in letting go of specific objects that hold memory or beliefs etc. Donating, is often a result of an identity adjustment which is basically a form of clearing and healing (the past) by getting rid of attachments and timelines that a person no longer wishes to be reminded of or resonate with. When you overgrow older version of yourself, you let go, forgive and release of what no longer serves or supports your new vision, version - embodiment of what you prefer to be. It brings more awareness on your habits, there is a deeper need for structure, organization, order, stability and simplicity which is always related to a higher frequency and accelerated change. Simplicity brings clarity and it makes you more grateful for the things you have so you find it easier to create space for new ways of being, to practice inspired action and to find better alignment with yourself. When you observe an imbalance of things in your space "too much unnecessary stuff", ''too much spending'', you are more able to correct yourself through conscious choice and realization of the habits, beliefs and conditions that resulted to that behaviour (maybe from your childhood conditioning - upbringing or other things) where you gain more clarity of how to heal those events etc by getting in touch with the inner child through shadow work integration techniques.

Self-care is a way of taming of the mind. Allowing the body to have its moment. Self awareness comes through presence and mindfulness. We live in a society that doesn't allow much stillness and presence and we have to consciously create time for that. For even the tiniest detail such as self hygiene, applying lotion, cutting the nails, grooming. And even when we do plan those things in our- to do lists- we keep distracting ourselves with other things while doing so and we're not a 100%  there. We do those things partially without connecting with the action or with the body. Connecting with the body is important because when we do it we become more aware of how it feels, of any tension we have or blockages or even tight muscles or food sensitivities we experience. Connecting with our bodies makes it easier to acknowledge our emotions too because they get stored in our bodies and cause all sorts of reactions both hormonally and energetically. Do we take the time to form a better connection with ourselves or are we constantly seeking for external validation and ignore our emotions by numbing ourselves or procrastinating on things?

As we grow through planetary changes and astrological events that influence our personal and collective realities internally and externally, we experience a variety of cycles and emotions that get stored in our chakra points and our energetic field so if we don't  practice presence with our bodies to process each thing and area,( through self-care, house organization etc), we become overwhelmed, unfocused, stressed & easily hacked and manipulated from within our consciousness; and this affects our moods, our self image, our self-esteem our relationships our energy levels, our practices etc.

All is one and everything relates to everything else. DNA is in everything and it is quantum. Simple daily practices, weekly or monthly structured adjustments can you help your mental and emotional process as well as your physical and energetic. The more sunlight we absorb the more we purge, because we are evolving from carbon-based DNA to crystalline light-body embodiment.


Sometimes we bring an outdated belief to the new version of self and we hold it in place unconsciously; we act in a way that is not representing our current experience or embodiment level simply because we never questioned ourselves about those beliefs or we never realized that we do certain things.

We grow up repeating things that we have learned through fear or from our parents or from others, and we continue to do that to ourselves because we have been conditioned in this way or because we feel more comfortable-safe to act in those ways based on familiarity of that pattern, emotion, toxic trait or abuse.

My personal experience and example:

I realized that sometimes I talk or present my family relationships to people that I meet, in a way that is negative and it may not even represent the current circumstances or timeline that I am in.

Even though there is no intention from me to act negatively it usually comes from a bitter experience or past event. As a result of doing so,  the other person forms an opinion based on my reactions and their own filters not knowing the whole story or my own distorted perception that was caused by my past experience and all the positive experiences get unnoticed by the negative one.

When I analyzed this I found out the following:

My parents do the same thing when they talk to other people about me as a habit and so I unconsciously repeated this trait in my own relationships. I raised that my intention behind that was not to judge them but was to just share an experience or to form a connection with that person relating to their experience or just get to things off my chest. 

Seeing that, I then realized that my parents probably wanted to do the same or similar thing and they weren't aware the negative way of expression they were projecting when expressing their own perception to others. It was an unconscious habit that they kept repeating and it conditioned them in such a way so that I had to go through the same processes to become more self aware about it and heal it for them in me so that it won't continue to the next generation within my bloodline. 

It's clearly uncomfortable to experience the effect and consequences of our actions but at least we become more self aware and we grow as better people. I grew up caring about what other people had to say about me and now I am reversing it by internalizing the processes. I don't have to force other people or my parents to stop acting in this way because I have no control of how other people choose to perceive me or their reality. I can only have control of myself. The triggering part is that some people who are interested in what I do, they don't contact me directly and they contact my parents..and guess what..they get their own version of filtering that has nothing to do with me..but I guess there is a reason for that too..

What do I learn from this?

I learn ways to maintain my own frequency and self awareness by having to process how people perceive me when it comes to my own belief systems and peoples energies that I feel and to learn how to present myself better while transmuting all the density and and all that stuff that makes me overstressed and overstimulated by intuitive guidance and grounding techniques that help me to find-maintain my centre so that I can push the density off me; to set myself on fire as light and be the physical example of how to do this by guiding people through the heat of my own fire.

This event was presented to me from a higher perspective using the 4D and 5D analogy:

We are in 3D expressing a 4D version of ourselves that is the wounded version of self made by childhood and adulthood experiences and also the inorganic 4D agenda made by society (listen here for more info). When we apply to 5D innerstanding, we shift our perception from the victim mentality to the higher innerstanding of Self awareness. Most of us when we go through our awakening experiences, we feel that we cannot relate to other people anymore because we know that expressing a 4D version of self is useless, as we become more aware of the loops that we repeat when we do so and we want to be in a 5D state that is more authentic.

Due to the fact that we all go through 4D processes, we feel overwhelmed and we prefer to go though these processes alone without added reflections of unconscious people that are confused. Sometimes is rare to find 5D people in the 3D reality and we know that when we do hang out with 4D versions we bring the old versions of ourselves back to fit in with them by repeating habits and things from the past that don't assist our journey because they slow down our evolution & frequency.

So it's up to us to do the work and to maintain our frequency and to find balance in both 4D and 5D processing. We don't have to isolate ourselves but we can practice a balanced lifestyle of 80% 5D and 20% 4D until we are strong enough to go 50-50 without falling back to old habits etc. 

This is what I am currently working on in myself because I want to be the 5D higher version me but having to interact 24\7 with 4D people has me in the process of intense training towards that mastery (that obviously comes through many failures). Because I do get the urge to judge too or do other 4D stuff occasionally etc or the ''need'' to go [service to self] rather than [service to all] and act unconscious sometimes but I know that this leads nowhere and usually to unnecessary suffering, so why cause it to myself for no reason..You know what I mean?

I've also concluded to the fact that I'd love to have people in my life that interest me, but I prefer to spend most of my time alone working on myself my services and my clients and really be in my own lane because I feel my best when I get things done and when I prioritize my life in this way. 

As a person with extra sensory perception I become highly sensitive to energies and it's much easier to be friends with most people in my mind or online and meet them occasionally rather than interacting physically for long periods of time. I am both introvert and extrovert when I feel like it. Having to go through the processes of getting to know people better, means that I have to go through an intense period of overthinking and over-feeling things about their own processes, perceptions, ways and also my own, as a result to feel everything in an intense way that influences my flow, stress levels, energy levels, habits, delivery in my services and life work. But it simultaneously pushes me to become better because I become more self-aware and informed of what is needed of me to share more of through my services etc. So everything is about balance. Everything is temporary until we get stronger and level up, so be patient with yourselves and trust the processes. 

I hope you found this article helpful :) If you did please share it with your friends & groups. 

Thank you for being here!

What makes you feel more of yourself and how do you become more self aware?

Comment below I'd love to know :) 

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Founder of Team Light Cyprus. 

Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of themselves in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery.


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