Friday 16 October 2020

Water Alchemy for DNA Activation

Hello warriors,

After my recent activation, I have channeled a lot of information to my journal, on how to activate the dormant dna through certain techniques. In the beginning I thought this would be a small download but when this activation started, the downloads kept coming through for almost two weeks. 

Each day was a different technique, a way from my higher aspects to teach me how it operate through experience, to the point that I was guided to create a power building program for dormant dna activation, where I now assist individuals on how to do this physically from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep.

As I explained on my latest video, I have been activated to my core and saw how everything clicks together. In this post I will try to explain in detail how the inner affects the outer and how to use the outer to rebalance and bring homeostasis. 

You can find more details about my activation on the video below:

So today I want to share about the first download that is related to the sacred geometry of water, how it relates to dna and how temperatures have a direct effect on the process of the deprogramming and activating the original blueprint.

Before I start though, let's dive deeper into Greek Medicine to see things from another perspective about the four elements, the four humors, the four basic qualities, the four faculties and the four temperaments as well as planets, signs and cycles, as these connect to everything else that we are going to talk about.

In classical Greek science and medicine, the Four Elements are the basic constituents of all matter. Everything in the universe is composed of the Four Elements in varying proportions and amounts. The elemental composition of a substance determines its particular nature, attributes, properties and actions. The Four Elements are Fire, Air, Earth and Water. We can see them by embodying the four basic states of matter:

  • Fire - igneous, incandescent or metamorphic state
  • Air - gaseous state
  • Water - liquid state
  • Earth - solid state

A number of previously unexplained mysteries about how the organism responds in both health and disease, becomes clear when one understands the physiology and pathology of the Four Humors.

The Four Humors are the metabolic agents of the Four Elements in the human body. The right balance and purity of them is essential to maintaining health. The Four Humors and the elements serve are as follows:


All four of these humors, or vital fluids, are present in the bloodstream in varying quantities.

The Four Humors, being the metabolic agents of the Natural Faculty (that feeds and regenerates the physical structure of the body by being responsible for all digestion, metabolism, nutrition and growth), follow the workings of Nature within the human organism. When we work with the Four Humors in correcting and facilitating their natural homeostatic and metabolic processes, we are truly working with Nature as a natural healer.

Greek Medicine assesses the nature and temperament of foods and their impact on the organism, primarily in terms of the Four Basic QualitiesHot, Cold, Wet and Dry. 

This enables us to personalize our food selection, giving preference to foods that complement or remedy imbalances, either innate or acquired of humor and temperament.

The Four Temperaments are the basic constitutional bodymind types of Greek Medicine. Each one is named after a certain humor, is characterized by the predominance of that humor and its associated basic qualities. Each of the Four Temperaments can be recognized by certain basic traits of physique, physiology, digestion metabolism, personality and character.

  • Sanguine Temperament 
Humor: Blood Basic Qualities: Hot and Wet (Warm and Moist)

  • Choleric Temperament

Humor: Yellow Bile Basic Qualities:Hot and Dry

  • Melancholic Temperament

Humor:Black Bile Basic Qualities:Cold and Dry

  • Phlegmatic Temperament

Humor:Phlegm Basic Qualities:Cold and Wet

All organs and organ systems of the body require certain gradients of temperature, moisture, pressure and so on, to be able to function. The various organs, tissues and parts of the body differ from each other in their basic qualities, or inherent temperament. These differences or gradients of temperament enable the body to function. 

Galen was a brilliant physician and anatomist who contributed much to Greek Medicine's innderstanding of the organs and systems of the human body and how they function. His chief contribution in this area was his doctrine of the Four Faculties.

According to Galen, the human body and all living organisms have to be able to do four basic things for themselves in order to live and survive:

1) They have to be able to vitalize themselves with the basic Life Energy necessary to function.

2) They have to be able to feed themselves and nourish, grow and regenerate their physical structure.

3) They must have consciousness and cognition, perception and awareness to be able to respond to their environment in an intelligent and timely manner in the interest of self preservation.

4) They must be able to reproduce themselves to further the continuity of Life and the propagation of their species.

These four seminal ideas became the basis for his doctrine of the Four Faculties of the organism, which perform these four basic functions. 
Each of these faculties has a principal organ, which is its central control - processing unit, which in turn is served by subsidiary organs and vessels of the faculty.

the_four_facultiesThe Four Faculties of the organism, and their principal functions and organs, are as follows:

  • Vital Faculty - Vitalizes the organism, enabling it to function; coordinates whole body responses. Governs respiration, circulation, cellular metabolism and the immune response. Principal Organ - Heart
  • Natural Faculty - Feeds the organism, enabling it to grow and regenerate its physical structure. Governs digestion, metabolism, nutrition and growth. Principal Organ - Liver.
  • Psychic Faculty - Intelligence, awareness, perception. Stimulus and response. Enables the organism to respond to its environment in the interests of self preservation.Principal Organ - Brain.
  • Generative Faculty - Reproduction, procreation. Propagates the species in service of the continuance of Life. Principal Organ -Gonads
The first three faculties are primary, because they're needed on a daily basis. The fourth faculty, the Generative Faculty, serves the purpose of procreation, which is not needed on a daily basis.

To demonstrate the importance of the three primary faculties, let's consider a limb of the body, like a leg, for example:

The Vital Faculty vitalizes that leg, giving it life. Without the Vital Faculty and its lifegiving blood supply, that leg would necrose and die within minutes.

The Natural Faculty feeds that leg, nourishing it and regenerating its structure. Without the humors and nutrients it supplies, that leg would gradually atrophy and wither away over a period of days, weeks or months.

The Psychic Faculty enables that leg to perform specialized movements like kicking and walking, and take us where we want to go. Through the Psychic Faculty, that leg becomes a useful instrument for the indwelling soul, or psyche.

My core activation happened while fasting longer than usual. So let's start from fasting and purification.

Purposes and Benefits of Fasting

Basically, there are two kinds of purposes or objectives for fasting. 

We can fast for either spiritual or physical reasons, and both are equally valid. Spiritually, fasting helps us transcend our addiction and attachment to food, and to realize that we don't live by bread alone. The mind gets clearer and spiritual awareness deepens. Freed from having to satisfy physical hunger, we can then turn our attention to clearing the mind and feeling the spirit. Spiritual masters like the Greek philosopher Pythagoras wouldn't admit any disciple into their higher teachings unless they had first purified themselves through fasting and hygiene.

Physically, fasting enables the organism to detoxify and clean the internal ''house''. Because the vast majority of diseases are caused by autointoxication (poisoning with toxic substances formed within the body during intestinal digestion), fasting has wide-ranging therapeutic benefits. It also gives the digestive organs a much needed rest. Instead of digesting food, their digestive secretions and enzymes can serve to digest, neutralize and eliminate toxic wastes from the body via the GI tract.

The human body and all its faculties, organs and systems function on energy, which is distilled, generated and supplied by the organism itself. Without energy to animate it, there is no life.

There are two basic types of energy in the human organism: kinetic and thermal. 

Kinetic energy is responsible for all function and movement, whereas thermal energy is responsible for all digestion, metabolism and transformation. Life requires both kinetic and thermal energy. Greek Medicine calls kinetic energy Pneuma, or the Breath of Life. Pneuma is similar to what Chinese Medicine calls Qi and in Ayurveda it's called Prana. 

Greek Medicine calls thermal energy, Ignis which is Latin for Fire. Ignis is similar to what Chinese Medicine calls Yang or Huo and to what yoga and Ayurveda call Agni. 

As they are generated, subsequently flow and are distributed throughout the various faculties and systems of the organism, both Pneuma and Ignis assume various forms. The essence of these vital energies remains the same but the functions they are adapted to perform change.

All the major bodily functions have both a kinetic and a thermal aspect. 

Take digestion, for example: Its kinetic aspect is the churning and peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, whereas its thermal aspect is the distillation, generation and metabolism of the humors.

Greek Medicine recognizes four basic vital principles that give life and health to the whole organism. They are products of the Vital Faculty:

  • The Vital Force
  • The Innate Heat 
  • Thymos
  • Radical Moisture, the nutritive, hormonal essence of the organism.

As long as we're alive, the Innate Heat, or metabolic fire, is always active. And as long as this metabolic fire is burning, it must consume something for fuel. Normally, this Innate Heat or metabolic fire is fed by nutrients from the food we eat. But when we fast, we cut off this outer supply of fuel, and the metabolic fire begins to feed on the body's own inner reserves. The body's own inner Physician is awakened, and the human organism, in its infinite healing wisdom, starts to clean house and burn off the dross. What is least essential to the life and health of the organism is consumed first, such as toxins, wastes, and superfluous morbid humors. The Inner Physician knows precisely where to go, what to metabolize and eliminate, and how to eliminate it. This is the process of autolysis. In this sense, fasting has been described as an operation without surgery. You can find more details here (on the tab Blogs/health or Blogs/fitness).

Sacred Geometry of water

Studies have shown that water, when put under frequencies of sounds and vibrations, takes the form of what are known as sacred geometrical patterns. The human body is up to 75% water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water & the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% and even the bones are watery: 31%.

Knowing about the four elements, the four humors, the four basic qualities, the four faculties and the four temperaments, we can now see how everything connects to everything else. How through frequency we can affect the sacred geometries within our water (for good or disease). Knowing that we are water and that we have the ability to purity the divine presence of water within our bodies we have responsibility of restoring it's ascended sacred geometry. If our lifestyle is making our water ''dirty'' or ''foggy'' then we have to take responsibility of that and start practicing a higher form of self love and self care with intention. Everything operates within cycles. We can activate the dormant dna through this process and harmonize the internal and external realities into one body of consciousness.

Hygiene & Purification

As we previously discussed, unprocessed emotions are stored in the gut. My recent download went a little deeper than that, to Spiritual hygiene.

Most people typically have heard of it by the term “purification” and the term miasma has been used to describe a cleansing ritual from impurities or pollution, especially in Ancient Greece. 

There are many different concepts of ritual purity, what violates it, and how to cleanse from such things. This article is based on this as well as the whole program about dna activation that I teach.

Excesses or imbalances of energy, entities that influence the thought patterns, decisions, emotional body, internal bacteria or being around certain people, beings, or events, or anything which disrupts your natural flow can become yours, by them attaching to you. It can even cause issues that I discussed previously on the podcast.

There are many different methods and ways to purify and maintain your energetic hygiene. Disruptions to your energetic hygiene can disrupt sleep, make you “stuck” energetically can affect your mental and emotional states over time, as well as cause health issues and even diseases depending on your lifestyle and daily habits.

Regular energetic and ritual cleansing practices and techniques that I are included in my program and teaching, can help prevent obstacles and issues and assist dormant dna activation from the time you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep at night. 

Through adopting this high frequency lifestyle you train your body and mind to hold more light within your cells, through time, discipline and practice, the dna from carbon to crystalline, activating through sovereignty  the ''inner tree'' that I mentioned in the video above. 

Water & Temperature

What I was guided to do while being taught about water and the temperatures is to take a hot shower and them use cold water.

Hot water 

The hot temperature relaxes the muscles but not the mind. It makes you aware of the energy that your body is holding (usually a combination of your own thoughts and the ones that you pick up from your interactions). It opes the external pores to clear it provides relief to soreness, tension, and knots (that are usually energetic not only physical, by energetic hooks etc). The hot temperature of water also helps to increase blood circulation in the body that can considerably ease pain, brain overstimulation, it reduces inflammation, stimulates healing and energy flow. When the pores open, there's deep healing not only in the physical body, but ethericaly as well through feeling and visualization. There are certain areas on the body, in full detail on the program the I was guided t create. You can find more info here .When those areas are stimulated by the water, instantly remove entity attachments and provide alignment with the higher aspects. This also happens with the cold water. 

Cold water:

The cold temperature is the one that deprograms the dna. It Cuts energetic chords, changes chemical reaction in the brain (like stress hormones) and reboots the mind. It grounds the body because it reminds it of the pure survival instincts and the ancient nature spirit. It opens up the internal pores and channels through deep breathing. All the attention goes to the breath, it brings you back into alignment, it provides clarity.

 When using hot water the attention is mostly relaxing on the physical body. The cold water on the other hand is more ''inner tree'' focused. It aligns you from within by readjusting the body, hormones. chemical reactions and senses making you more alert, alive, fresh & basically sovereign.Use both hot and cold and practice getting out of your comfort zone daily. Through this practice, you are basically bringing your subconscious back into alignment and rewriting the hacked frequency your were  operating that was keeping you out of alignment with your natural cycles. (as mentioned in the video above).

The human body and the cycles

Our body came with its own personalized guide for optimum health maintenance and disease prevention. It is our natal horoscope, or astrological birth chart. Medical Astrology has a long tradition of use in Greek Medicine, as well as in other traditional healing systems like Ayurveda. In ancient Greece, Medical Astrology was called Iatromathematica, it grew out of Hermetic philosophy, with its guiding principle: As above, so below. As within, so without. 

In other words, the microcosm of the human body reflects the macrocosm of Nature and the cosmos. The aim of Medical Astrology, like all the world's great traditional medical systems, is to harmonize the health of the individual with with the Universal Life Forces of Nature and the cosmos.
Medical Astrology could be considered as a subspecialty of Greek Medicine. It encompasses all uses of astrology in health and healing.

The natal horoscope depicts one's individual constitutional nature and temperament, which is the key to all diagnosis and treatment in Greek Medicine, with incredible depth and sophistication.
Medical Astrology also elucidates the psychosomatic relationship between mind and body with unparalleled sophistication and depth. The deeper psychological and karmic reasons behind the individual's illness or condition are also revealed.

Each person, according to their own individual psychosomatic makeup, will respond differently to different therapies and treatments. Individual affinities for various therapeutic modalities are also shown in the natal horoscope. Truly, each individual's life is a personalized healing journey.

 In Medical Astrology, the signs indicate both general conditions of humor and temperament affecting the overall physiology and metabolism of the entire organism; they also have affinities with different parts of the body. The general indications of a sign derive from its polarity, element, modality and planetary dignities. The specific indications of a sign in terms of parts of the body derive from its position or sequence within the wheel of the zodiac, as well as its basic symbolism and archetypes.

We will discuss more details in the upcoming posts, videos and podcast series so if you are interested follow me on social media and check my program if you are ready to upgrade.

I hope you found this article helpful :) If you did please share it with your friends & groups and comment your experience. 

Thank you for being here!

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Founder of Team Light Cyprus. 
Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of themselves in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery.

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