Monday 14 September 2020

Alchemy, Hybrid DNA & Human Immortality

 Hello warriors, 

Today I want to talk about Alchemy, Healing, Hybrid DNA and human immortality.

I have recently become aware of new-to-me sources of information, that helped me to come full circle in the field of alchemical healing through the guidance of my higher aspects in relation to the previous channeled posts that I shared. 

In my previous posts I shared many forms of healing downloads whereas now I was guided to a more physical way to prove through scientific sources what my higher selves wanted me to share and express. I was guided to Greek, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as medical astrology that shed more light into my alchemical research.

If you are not familiar with what I am talking about, let me begin with the following information.

Alchemy and Healing

To primitive man, the ability to heal and cure disease seemed to be magical, even mi
raculous. Greek mythology is full of symbolic legends and allegories explaining the nature and origins of the art of healing. Most medical historians now agree that the main source of medical knowledge that the ancient Greeks drew upon came from Egypt, whose civilization was already old and well-established as the Golden Age of classical Greece was dawning. Alchemy provides us with the wisdom and practical method to transmute and transform not only the body, but mind and soul. Everything is connected.

The alchemical tradition in Greek Medicine is based on Hermetic philosophy, which was founded by the Egyptian philosopher Hermes Trimegistus. The guiding principle of Hermetic philosophy is, "As above, so below; as within, so without." In its overall form, structure and composition, the microcosm of the human body reflects the macrocosm of Nature. Disease and dysfunction arise when the microcosm of the human body gets out of balance with the macrocosm of Nature; healing consists of bringing the microcosm of the human body back into balance with the macrocosm of Nature.

Hermetic philosophy also underlies the science and practice of Medical Astrology.The planets symbolize universal life forces and processes that are active both in the macrocosm of the natural world and within the microcosm of the human body.

Being intermediaries between God, the Prime Mover, and the world of Man and Nature, the planets and signs of the zodiac deal with the pure forms, or archetypes, that underly all the changing forms and transitory phenomena of the outer world. Each planet brings up things, situations, diseases and imbalances within that are related to many parallel timelines, to be seen healed and transmuted for this higher purpose that I explain below.

Through my own journey I have experienced things that brought confusion and clarity through embodiment and application of the healing arts. Greek Medicine begins with a study of the Seven Natural Factors, which constitute the standards of health and normalcy for the human organism. When all the Seven Natural Factors are working together in a balanced, harmonious manner, there is health and homeostasis. When they aren't working together properly, there is dysfunction and disease. I began getting more into human physiology etc about a year ago while studying for my fitness instructor certification but since then things got more interesting for me. If you want to know more about greek medicine and alchemy click HERE.

Homeostasis is the key

Physical, mental and emotional hygiene brings homeostasis (a total balance of mind, body and soul alignment within the body and it’s seven natural factors) which is a gateway to the soul and mystical experiences. 

The proper balance and regulation of our emotional life is an important part of our daily hygiene. It's important not only to the health of the mind, but to the health of the body and all its internal organs. The vast majority of diseases are caused by autointoxication, fasting has wide-ranging therapeutic benefits. It also gives the digestive organs a much needed rest.The moment something changes, the body adapts to it. Not just the body but all nature. This is what ancient shamans knew well, even plants & animals learned to adapted to continue life and evolution of their species. 

To open our channel we must feel comfortable with ourselves, clean, detached, balanced and to trust the process we are in at all times. There are agreements that are starting to come through that help us align with the original blueprint of our soul and the reason we are all here, that help us resonate and open up to authenticity and freedom from within. The agreements that manifested in my life since 2017 brought up a series of events for me that began my training and embodiment for service and acceleration not only for my physical vessel but for all individuals who I interact with (physically & energetically).

About DNA Hybrids

Events and activations helped me to remember that we are borrowing the dna of our ancestors and that we are being responsible of servicing the dna of our line, so the next being who inherits our dna, to run in a better template taking them into the next level. Our dna is everywhere, everywhere we touch etc. When we leave it somewhere and it gets on to someone else it reacts because dna is quantum. If we work on our dna and getting it balanced then it charges us the people that get it. So in time we are going to be born in another reality.

In this reality-earth school, the price to be paid as a tuition fee for the lesson that are been given is pain. This is what was agreed. But there is a whole different thing that is happening behind the scenes that I find truly fascinating. If we all inherit bodies that the dna has been refined, we can finally start to more forward. To maintain balance and homeostasis there has to be an equal of giving and taking, both internal and externally.

We used to have many ways of strengthening our dna back in the day, but now we have to be our own shamans. Because our parents and grand-parents ‘’wrote’’ on our dna and we have to cleanse it, deprogram it and pay their debt. The old shamans knew how to clean the dna and the energy. Some of us are here to bring the knowledge back and assist by being the change. 

Many of us showed up here because we got reports from the galactic center saying the earth wasn’t going to make the timeline jump, so to get into this game we had to hack our way from the upper dimensions that we came from , to the lowest and in each dimension, to pick up a fractal that we had to integrate. Some of us had to go deep into darkness to pick them up..some made it out but some didn’t and have to reincarnate somewhere else. These fractals aren’t us 100% but we do this because we are here to assist not only the blood(line) that we inherited the vessel from, but also the collective timeline shift by merging ll fractals into unity consciousness thought our integration and embodiment. 

We have three bodies. The physical body, the body of mind and the body of soul, (Trinity). To bring homeostasis. To grow though the suit, learn the programming, transmute it and hack it to ascend this planet to a higher plane of existence. By activating our dormant dna and raise the roof of a world. 

This process of alchemy (integration of shadow aspects-fractals), is creating a new human hybrid made from many different polarities into one body of consciousness.

Immortality and humans

Immortality plays out if we are conscious that we go on (after death of the physical body) maintaining the memories of our pat life-lives and the lessons that from all earths incarnations. The are other mechanics connected to this but as the advanced metaphysics author Seven Bomar explained: ''In the end of this life our body, our mind and our soul that are bonded together, they come to the end of their journey, so after death, the have to decide if they are going to continue to go on or split up and erase everything.''

''The body’s synthesis gets consumed inside the ground and it turns into gas, the mind and its memories start to become synthesized and the soul turns into spirit. Body , mind soul are all different bodies married together. So if you live your life into contentment and there’s balance, in your body, your mind and your soul (homeostasis) and they didn’t get the best of you, meaning they didn’t hold you back in our journey, then there’s a question at the end, if they are going to go on together as ONE or if they are going to split apart. So you can basically get our body, mind and soul to agree to move on and continue with your memories(of all lives) creating this new form of hybrid dna.''

This is why we move in this life in a way is to balance them out to stay together into harmony-immortality. And what we do here, creates the next life, so we have to be self aware and take full responsibility of our actions. Earth is a unique experiment happening right NOW. We are responsible for our inner and outer growth, meanly, physically and spiritually. In zero point of neutrality there is unification, all and nothing. Preparing our consciousness to transition as ONE. 

I hope you found this article helpful :) If you did please share it with your friends & groups. 

Thank you for being here!

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Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Founder of Team Light Cyprus. 
Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of themselves in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery.

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