Tuesday 22 October 2019

How to Physically Clear Energy Blocks from Body & Mind

Hello Warriors, 

Today I am going to share a download that I received on the 20/10. I was shown by my guides how to clear energetic blockages from my physical body,
not only chakra clearing but removing thought loops & stagnant energy from the scalp and wanted to share this with you if you haven't already hear about it.
If you are interested on how to do this for yourself keep readying.

So here's what will be discussed:
  1. how to find stagnant energy inside the body (how to clear each chakra point)
  2. how each chakra is related to all other chakras,
  3. how to find stagnant energy inside the scalp,
  4. how to apply pressure on the nerves to break it down,
  5. how to direct that energy out the scalp from the back of the head.

Everything starts with the two halves of our body. The left side and the right side. I was shown that the healing & clearing happens in the middle. When the two become one.


1. Breath from the root chakra and exhale moving the energy up your spine and out of the top of your head using the kundalini. The following clearing is a form of scanning the body and clearing it at the same time. 
2. Use both hands and start applying pressure on the left side of your body, on the organs. You will start feeling where here is tension-pain. The energy movement starts from the area below and around your belly button. 
3. Squeeze that area from the intestines to the belly button and move that energy upwards. 
4. Use your thumbs and always use both hands. 
5. Move the energy from the organs, bladder, the side of the hips with both your palms to the centre of the 2ndchakra. 
6. Touch your thumbs together so that your belly button is at the centre and your hands form a pyramid. 
7. Take the energy from your lower back as well and move it to your ribs and direct it at the same time to your heart. 
8. Hold your hands together and touch your thumbs together and your pinkies together.
Your pinkies touch the area above your belly button and your thumbs rest on your hear centre. 
9. Move the energy from the heart to the chest and from your chest to the back of your neck the sides of your neck & throat using both palms. When you do this put your palms in a way so that your pinkies touch the left and right temporal recession (see image) and your thumbs touch the sides of your neck (your middle and point fingers should be at the back of your neck). 
10. From there, move the energy with your palms, up your face, ears, forehead and direct it out from your hair & crown chakra. Let it leave your body from the hair out. In this type of clearing, everything clears up the spine, from the front chakras, going up the neck, nerves and out of the spinal chord.


Now for removing stagnant energy from the scalp you need to find the right pressure points. When you do you will feel the energy block like an implant. 
You start from touching the sides of the neck and back of the neck, as explained earlier, and find the energetic blockages by feeling where it hurts when you apply pressure. 
It's an area where the energy doesn't move and might cause headaches from time to time or thought loops that hack your frequency.

There are two areas to apply pressure. The first one is on the right side of the temporal recession. Apply pressure there and follow all the way to the Auriculo T. to Malar B. Of TM to Temporal BR of the Tem.Molar (see the 1st image at the top of the page for more info).
 It can be massaged out from the front to the side and then to the back of the head to be moved out from the spinal chord (the exit of the 3rd eye).

The second one is from the neck, the sides of the neck, behind and below the ears. 
From the Auriculo Temporal nerve down to the superficial cervical vein so that it can be moved from the trapezius and out from the back of the heard (spinal chord) see image for more info.

Feel of there's any pain when you pressure it and do this until the pain is gone. 
It's like massaging a muscle until the tightness is gone. 
Those are stored experiences and thoughts that keep looping and when we go through energetic-DNA upgrades and activations those are forced to be broken down
 or be moved and they cause pain and nausea. 

This can affect the physical reality too so that we can find a physical way to move that energy.
 Some of those stored thoughts can affect the speech and expression because if not cleared they sit at the back of the throat & neck. 
The throat is directly connected to the root chakra that is responsible for the feeling of security, grounding and flow of wealth. 
The throat is also connected to the heart centre. 
So if the throat is affected the heart doesn't open because the root doesn't feel safe and secure which leads to stress in the body and non grounding. 
This caused emotional reactions that are stored in the gut (click here to see how to access the dormant DNA). 

When doing the clearing use your intuition and feeling ability. Ask for assistance from the best healer on your stream and call your highest light aspect (4-5 times) to be present in the clearing process. Use your thumbs and pointer fingers for applying pressure. It might feel uncomfortable but it's necessary and when you finish you will feel so much better. 

If you found this article helpful please share and comment below. 
Thank you :)

 This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Founder of Team Light Cyprus. 
Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of themselves in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery. https://about.me/andriana_papa

Friday 11 October 2019

10/10 Download |How to access your dormant DNA

Hello Warriors, 

Today I am going to share a download that I received on the 10/10 portal of 2019.I was shown how to connect to the physical body, to allow the light body to open up and start accessing my own dormant DNA.

If you want to know how to tune into your body's frequency and how to access the information that is stored there keep on reading.

 It might seem complicated but it's really not. If you think about everything that we eat gets sent to our intestines to be purged out.What was shown to me was that the solar plexus chakra is where emotional memories are stored. I knew this in theory but it was explained to me in detail. It is emotionally associated with self-confidence, happiness and joy. A healthy solar plexus chakra will help us feel strong in personal power and creator state beingness.

Everyday, we store information of what we are processing during the day, in our intestines and we record everything that took place during our interactions with other people. The reason why we can have access to this coding is to learn how to use our physical vessel in a more advanced manner. We can learn/remember how to read what we create in our reality. We can read every detail of people's realities that we have stored in our body, to process it later if we wish to. Based on what imprint they left in us, we can then see what definitions and thought-forms we or they hold about what took place.

After seeing-feeling this I was shown the way to clear my own chakras and move any stagnant energy from throughout my day into my intestines to be released. There are specific muntras that can be done for each of them to clear and spin. After this my team explained that these symbols have been used by the secret societies to call forth entities to enter people's bodies. After asking why I was given this information, my team explained that some people have fear of these types of practices and that it is important to know that not all healers are healers. Practice discernment when allowing another person to use your chakras. 

After the clearing my team reminded me through my heart that it's deeply safe to be in my body. What they mean by this is that I am fully safe to open up my fields and access these type of information even when people are around. We can create anything we want when we learn how to use the body like it was created to be used before the different agendas made us forget. Remember how to use the DNA. The stored information that you have and ARE. 

The etheric processing, analyzing and reading of your own frequency will start to activate your ability to do this for other people too. This is a form of communication with your higher selves and teams where they teach and train you how to access more information than the information that you are used to. Personally this was one of my skillsets that I had when I was a child and it just started activating. I slowly start to remember more and more of what I am capable of doing which makes me very happy.

This accessing of information can be defined as a way of entering dimensions while being in the physical body. To connect to the higher realms you first need to breath and release literally all density from around your heart center. With deep breaths your body will start to enter a theta wave state. This is the state you are naturally entering right before you fall asleep at night right before leaving the physical body and entering the dream world. 

Create a space for exploration and interaction. This is like the second step after mastering the art of meditation. After relaxing start to feel the body, the breath, the temperature of your body, touch your heart, your chakras with your palms, tune in, feel what is there to be processed.

A simple reminder for me was to keep doing the intermittent fasting that I do because it personally helps me to have more control over my mind and of how I feel when I'm fasting. It helps me to clear what doesn't belong (like attachments etc) and allow my body to detox naturally. Being disciplined in eating right and at the same time being compassionate and loving with my body helps me to have a deeper connection with my DNA.

Lastly, my team shared that it will be best to keep stretching the body to help it break down the fibers of old structures within the cells and form new ones that help the body to hold-store more light codes in the blood stream. And to truly feel my body, to spend time grounding in it. We spend most of our time in our heads overthinking over-analyzing things and this steals time from being present, silent, receptive and in tune with all that we are. Don't feel weird to touch your belly, your heart your head, the roots of your hair...massage your head, your neck, your back..Every cell has its own stored information, its own memory. Help it to release the junk old stuff moving it to the intestines to be released.

If you found this article helpful please share and comment your experience below. 

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Andriana is the founder of Conscious Alignment & Co-Founder of Team Light Cyprus. 
Her purpose and passion is giving people the tools, guidance & inspiration for creating an empowered version of themselves in all aspects of life. She is dedicated into assisting, healing & activating people by sharing her gifts through authenticity, simplicity & spiritual mastery. https://about.me/andriana_papa